Hello, a few months ago I was contacted by a man by the name of Gregory. He contacted me during a time when I was writing the latest Blogs and Broadcasts November 16th, 2013 - VICTORY-Your Wish Is Your Command-Bye Bye Babylon, December 16th, 2013 - RISE OF THE BLACK MESSIAH - EZEKIEL 37 - FREE AT LAST!, January 20th, 2014 - Victory Genesis 3:15 Bye Bye Babylon. At the time I was very busy, so the time to spare for reviewing the information was not available.
So I decided to dedicate a page on HWUNET.ORG for those that have information to bring forward. In doing this we all can review the information and get the message. Below is the first message I received from Gregory, he wrote this message for all of us to read, so I keep it and posted it here.
In the near future, we all will start a meeting to discuss what we know. Every one of us has information to share. Even former demon vessels need a place to REVEAL. This page will be dedicated for this information. Please read and RESEARCH. Let's speak at the Meeting of friends on SKYPE. If you want to be a part send me a message and I will post here we the meeting will be. Much Love Dawid |
MEETING: | This will be the introduction meeting look here for date and time. at the moment the skypeID is Dawid Yacob | ||
DATE: | Details | Coming Soon! | |
TIME: | Details | Coming Soon! | |
Audio: | Download | Details | In the future if the meetings are recorded you can download audio from here. |
Archive: | Details | When the meeting is complete it will be archived if there is audio. | |
Message from Gregory in the United Kingdom - November 16, 2013
This is the most important email I have sent...
I know many of you have come from traditional Christianity and as such... to a degree, you have all unknowingly been subjected to a form of mind control… Religion is man-made and Christianity, Judaism & Islam have all been infiltrated by the Luciferian's.... for centuries and fed a diet of milk to make them all ineffectual and with an ulterior motive of keeping mankind dumbed down & in the dark to what has been & is & is yet to come..!
Many of you have a very hard time believing that Lucifer can and did father His own seed line through Eve in an attempt to pollute & destroy the possibility of Our Saviour 'YAHUWshuwa' being born. Remember Satan is the great counterfeiter …! What Our Father 'YAHUWAH' does he (satan) also wants to do… & replace it with his own…!
Thanks to the power of Our Almighty Eternal Loving 'YAHUWAH' of All Creation... Satan failed to stop our savior 'YAHUWshuwa' being born and being with us even if it was only for a short time. ('YAHUWshuwa will be with us again very soon).. Praise His Name above ALL names…!
Yet he (satan) along with his follower's the Seraphim/Nephilim/Fallen Angels did father his own seed line that is growing up amongst us. Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
'Parable of the Wheat and the Tares:- Mathew 13:38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the Kingdom, but the tares are the children of the wicked one;
As hard as this is for many of you to accept 'Truth sometimes hurts very much especially when you have been lied to all your life... yet this does not alter the fact that what you are about to hear, are eyewitness & personal accounts of their own experience of the Satan & his minions (fallen angels) interjecting with humanity and crossing physical boundaries they were ordered not to cross. Not only did they father their own children with the daughters of mankind in Genesis 6 and produced their own offspring the Rephaim / Giants. They are still doing it today...!
Please listen carefully to these audio's & video's & listen to these very brave witnesses… who are themselves the offspring of The Bloodlines of the European Royal Families? Listen and look very carefully…!
Mathew 18:16 'But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses'….
These interviews are the best evidence I have been led to by Our Beloved Heavenly Father and I am now able to share with you ALL and bring you up to speed... probably kicking & screaming against this old information that you really wanted to ignore...!
'Truth is stranger than fiction' - 'Where there is smoke there is fire'...!
Please bear in mind some of these brave people do not know the true name of Our Beloved Heavenly Father 'YAHUWAH' and His Beloved Begotten Son 'YAHUAH' now 'YAHUWAH' Our Risen Beloved Eternal KING. They themselves are still coming out of this bondage...
These interviews confirm what Our Beloved Heavenly Father 'YAHUWAH' has been showing me all along for so long now... and I have been trying to tell you ALL...!
Some of you will listen and some of you won't... that is Free Will & your choice... You can either wake up and deal with this shocking and earth-shattering information... and be what Our Beloved Heavenly Father Our Almighty Eternal Loving 'YAHUWAH' of ALL Creation… always hoped you'd be... or you can dismiss it all & go back to sleep and be happy in your ignorance... and wait for the day when you will be wailing and gnashing your teeth…!
Denial is not just a river in Egypt… Please do not say you were never told...!!!!!
Part 1) Bloodlines, Nephilim, and Principalities w/ Doug Riggs http://www.dougriggs.org
Below is the Video links to the interview above and in greater detail…
Part 2) - Amazing first-hand dealings with the Nephilim...
Beyond the Physical Realm
Carolyn comes from a bloodline of generational illuminists. As a result, she was born right into the Luciferian agenda for the last days. Only by the grace and repeated direct intervention of 'YAHUW' (Jesus Christ) has she been able to arrive at this point in her life. She speaks not because she wants attention, but because she feels a responsibility and call to do so. Her blog can be found at http://www.beyondthephysicalrealm.com She is joining us to begin a series of programs during which we are going to be discussing her testimony. She will undoubtedly share many things that will shock you, stretch you, and frankly blow your mind.
Note: Based on some of the information discussed, the guest wants listeners to be aware that she does not believe in reincarnation. Furthermore, she does not believe that anything similar to it played a role in any part of her testimony. Interview with a former "Illumined One", Interview with a Former "Illumined One" Part 2, Interview with a Former "Illumined One" Part 3 "The Greys", Interview with a Former "Illumined One" Part 4, Interview with a Former "Illumined One" Part 5, Interview with a Former "Illumined One" Part 6, Interview with a Former "Illumined One" Part 7 "The Finale" I would download all these interviews and videos now while you still can… for future reference …!
Interview with a former "Illumined One"
Interview with a Former | Interview with a Former "Illumined One" Part 1 |
Interview with a Former | Interview with a Former "Illumined One" Part 2 |
Interview with a Former | Interview with a Former "Illumined One" Part 3 The Greys - DATE May 8th, 2013 |
Interview with a Former | Interview with a Former "Illumined One" Part 4 |
Interview with a Former | Interview with a Former "Illumined One" Part 5 |
Interview with a Former | Interview with a Former "Illumined One" Part 6 |
Interview with a Former | Interview with a Former "Illumined One" Part 7 Final |
Assessing Mind Control Q&A w/ Dr. Preston Baile
Interview with a Former | "Illumined One"Assessing Mind Control Q&A w/ Dr. Preston Bailey |
Interview with a Former | "Illumined One" Part 2 Assessing Mind Control Q&A w/ Dr. Preston Bailey |
Interview with a Former | "Illumined One" Part 3 "The Greys" - DATE October 29th, 2013 |
Interview with a Former | "Illumined One" Part 4 - Assessing Mind Control Q&A w/ Dr. Preston Bailey |
Interview with a Former | "Illumined One" Part 5 - Assessing Mind Control Q&A w/ Dr. Preston Bailey |
Interview with a Former | "Illumined One" Part 6 - Assessing Mind Control Q&A w/ Dr. Preston Bailey |
Interview with a Former | "Illumined One" Part 7 "The Finale" |
Much love & blessings in the Name of Our Beloved Heavenly Father Almighty Eternal Loving 'YAHUWAH' of ALL Creation & His Beloved Son - Our Elder Brother, Saviour, High Priest & soon coming KING of King's 'YAHUW' now 'YAHUWAH' Our Risen Beloved Eternal KING of YAsarel..!
Baruch Hata Ba Shem 'YAHUWAH' - Blessed Be The Name of 'YAHUWAH'..!
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:
The knowledge & information you learn & gain from the content & the links provided is not intended to spread fear… but to give you knowledge..! That knowledge can only be turned to good if you share it with all who you love. As usual… if you would prefer to not get emails like this anymore… then PLEASE send me a reply & I'll gladly lose your email address..!
The next time Satan reminds you of your past… remind him of his future..!
Ricky Ray On THE Hagmann AND Hagmann | Guest Interview with Rick Ray - Download Audio |
The Greatest Fraud the Divine Right to rule. | The Donation of Constantine first appeared during the 8th century. |
Doug Riggs Interview about the Bloodlines | Bloodlines, Nephilim, and Principalities w/ Doug Riggs |
Part one of Doug Riggs DVD | EXPOSED Satan's Last Days Hybrid Breeding Program |
"I love life, that's my secret." The Queen Mother. | Connections to the Serpent Seed, Queen of England |
Revelations of a Mother Goddess | Brian Desborough |
Revelations of a Mother Goddess | David Icke |
Pawns in the Game | William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game (1958) - EBook - Nazi History |
Alex Jones is a CIA Agent | More information about Alex Jones. |
The Babylonian Stargate | The Babylonian Stargate in the New Atlantis America - Paul McGuire |
Transforming America Into A Giant Prison | Transforming America Into A Giant Prison |
Steve Quayle | stevequayle.com |
Osman, Ahmed | Osman, Ahmed - Christianity - An Ancient Egyptian Religion |
Fallen Angels TV | David Icke, Revelations of a Mother Goddess the is a Video |
Fallen Angels TV | "What is His Son's Name?" Full-Length Version! |
YouTube Video | Restoring The Creator's Name: Ha'shem Revealed (full-length version) |
YouTube Video | Best Of UFO 2013, New UFOS Sightings September |
From the Sun to the Moon | From the Sun to the Moon you can visit the Sabbath page for more info |
Blue Letter Bible | KJV - Hosea 2:16 And it shall be at that day, saith the YAHUWAH |
Written by Dawid Yacob Maccabeus © H.W.U.Network 2014 |